10 Proven Health Benefits of White Tea

capacitea Admin

Posted on May 01 2023

10 Proven Health Benefits of White Tea

Tea is one of the healthiest drinks a person can drink, and it is full of health benefits. From lowering the risk of heart disease and cancer to providing you with antioxidants, drinking good-quality tea can rock your health. 

Both White Tea and Green Tea are made from the tea plant Camellia Sinensis, but White tea is harvested at a young age and must be handled with care. Both teas contain anti-oxidants, but White Tea has a greater quantity and less caffeine. Read on and find out the health benefits of White Tea. 

What is White Tea? 

White Tea is a minimally processed tea deriving from the leaves of Camellia Sinensis.This tea features young or minimally processed leaves from this plant and is harvested mainly in China, and it is not oxidised, which results in a lighter flavour when compared with black or green teas. 


  1. White Tea lowers the risk of cancer.

    It’s proved that white tea has profound power against cancer-causing cells and against types of cancer. And when we talk about cancer prevention, white tea may have an advantage over green tea. Alongside this, a 2003 study in Oregon State University found that White Tea was highly potent when treating Colon Cancer in mice. Mice who were pre-disposed to developing cancer were given White Tea and Sundalic and developed the lowest number of tumours. 



  1. White Tea can aid weight loss.

    Studies had proven that another white tea benefit is that this type of tea helps in weight loss. How? By burning the fat cells and preventing the formation of new ones.


  1. Drinking White Tea reduces the risk of stroke & heart attack.

    Composed of a substance known as Catechins, white tea has a group of antioxidants that can reduce cholesterol, decrease blood pressure, repair vein tissue and improve the overall cardiovascular function.


  1. Some White Teas are calorie-free.

    Our pyramid Moonlight tea bag contains zero calories! 


  1. White Tea is an immune system booster.

    A 2004 study undertaken at Pace University had shown that White Tea fights fungi, bacteria and viruses. The study revealed that white tea impedes the growth of bacteria such as Streptococcus (linked to infections such as a sore throat, scarlet fever, and pneumonia) and also aids dental care. 


  1. Drinking White Tea reduces blood pressure.

    Drinking white tea several times a day on a consistent basis can actually lower the pressure of your blood and protect your body against one its health enemies: the stroke.


  1. White Tea has anti-ageing properties.

    Drinking white tea regularly can prevent wrinkles and loose skin, thanks to polyphenols that contribute to neutralise the free radicals and its antioxidant properties that help to revitalise the skin and to stop premature ageing.


  1. Stronger bones and skin. 

    There is evidence proving that people who drink white tea on a daily basis have a greater bone density compared with non-white tea drinkers.


  1. Drinking White Tea helps improve memory.

    As White Tea is an excellent source of antioxidants and a great source of catechins, it helps to improve memory and to even impedes memory decline.


  1. Drinking White Tea is beneficial to the kidneys.

    Another benefit of the white tea is that it helps to reduce the adverse effects of environmental pollution on the human body, especially on the kidneys. Catechins role offers some protection against renal failure, and a Chinese study had concluded that this antioxidant could be a potential treatment for kidney stones.


In the mood to enjoy a cup of tea and find out all the benefits of white tea? We recommend you Moonlight White from Capacitea. Moonlight White is an outstanding example of Chinese tea culture from Yunnan Province, in China. It is made purely from early harvested leaf buds, although it comes from a different variety of the tea plant.

Check out our teaware collection here

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